Thank you for your supporting the
Chino Valley Young Marines
Thank you for allowing us continued access your facility to conduct our physical fitness test and graduation and for allowing us the opportunity to assist Boys Republic with the Annual Steve McQueen Car show and the Della Robbia Wreaths.
Thank you for your multiple generous donations.
Thank you for your continuous support and partnership with us for the past decade. We are grateful for allowing us to use your post for many of our activities, for including us in serving our Veterans through Post 299's activities as well as your generous financial support from the SAL's as well as your members.
Thank you for allowing to host our Annual Christmas Party for our Young Marines in your conference room. This is a highlight for our Young Marines each year. A fun reward in return for the amount of community service hours our Young Marines contribute to the Chino Valley. You have also hosted our staff meetings multiple times, allowing us to meeting in comfort so that we can focus solely, on planning our yearly calendar and upcoming activities.
Thank you for your financial support in "Strengthening the Lives of America's Youth". Your contributions assist in ensure that we continue to develop the next generation of Patriotic Americans and tomorrow's leaders.
Thank you for the donation the American Flag's which are placed and the grave markers of those Veterans who are no longer with us. |